
As we all know the world and how we live in it are changing, none more so than here in the UK and especially London where i am based. With everywhere becoming more expensive and peoples’ needs to move about more for work, family or schools etc., this means our homes are often rented, leased or temporary. This blogg is about precisely this, and to show that although we have become more nomadic in existence we can still have the loves and comforts of our homes and gardens about us and move them when we move. Therefore, not incurring costs unnecessarily, and not being able to watch plants establish and grow, fruit or flower as we have moved. What is nice, is the ability to then create an instant home and garden when we move, even if the spaces we have are larger, smaller, differing shapes, sizes or transformed from another use i.e. a roof terrace or balcony or even an alleyway. I hope you will follow me on my travels to see what has inspired me and my family and friends in creating a home and garden while having to relocate to differing places to work etc. By the way my name is Stuart Shield i am 47 and am a Garden Designer from South East London where i have made a home for myself (yet again) with my partner Mark and our little dog Stella oops and not to forget Tortosa the tortoise.


47 thoughts on “About

  1. clarepooley33

    Thank-you so much for the follow. I have just enjoyed reading more posts from your blog – memories, memories – I used to live in Bromley, New Eltham and Forest Hill. I will be back!


  2. Green Bee

    Thanks for the follow Stuart and I’m really enjoying your blog. I lived in SE London for years, Herne Hill, Camberwell, Stockwell and Borough and yes, like the previous comment, memories are flooding back. I’m in Dublin so luckily not too far and get back often (8 weeks to my next trip). I am renovating my house here now so my garden is going to be top of my agenda soon so I will be scouring your blog for inspiration!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. hilarycustancegreen

    Greta project. We have had the incredible luck of living for many years in one place with plenty of room to grow stuff. Our girls, however, like so many in their generation, are nomadic, but I am immensely cheered, by my daughter’s balconies in the East End block in which she now lives, crowded with veg, herbs and flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. stuartshieldgardendesign Post author

      Thankyou for reading I plan to and have already visited places where either clever planting or containers or small plots have been used or even perhaps unlikely places for a garden provide our nomadic generation as you brilliantly put it with some inspiration. Love to see some pics of both yours and your girls gardens and balconies .


  4. Uncle Spike

    Hey there Newbie Spikey!
    (for your info, a Spikey is the term for folk who are part of the clan known to be followers of Uncle Spike 🙂

    Been away for a while, but now I wanted to catch up and say “thank you… I really appreciate your ‘follow’ as I for one, know how many interesting and entertaining blogs are out there.”

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on the farm. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…



  5. Boomdeeadda

    Hi Stuart, catching up on some new folks who have visited and/or followed my blog. So thank’s for that. I’m intrigued by this concept since we just spent three years in a townhouse, renting while we looked for a new house. The only place for me to garden was on the front steps, and so I did. I filled pots and hangers and it was a cheery place to come home to. I wrote a post here http://boomdeeadda.com/2013/08/02/it-might-be-contagious/
    Also, a very dear friend in San Jose totally transformed her rental with an amazing garden, here http://gardeningnirvana.com/2013/07/18/throwback-thursday-garden-style/

    I would think there’d be tons of work for you in and around London given the cost of housing. I can’t wait to see what you’re up too. cheers


  6. First Night Design

    Stuart, I’m turning to you in desperation. Do you know a firm that can dismantle and remove a garden shed and take away two sofas and a television? We were supposed to complete on the sale of our flat in South West London yesterday but at the last minute the buyers said they didn’t want the aforementioned items after all. We have other complications that mean if we don’t complete by the end of the week, legal proceedings will be started against us. I do hope you can help us.


    1. stuartshieldgardendesign Post author

      Hi there. The sofas etc you can leave out in the road. The scrap man normally picks them up overnight. If you catch him he might do the shed as well. They do here in south London. All my other contacts are in south London. Try leaving a note outside saying free she’d take away today that worked for a friend of mine. Or the council will take sofas away if you call them hope this helps and good luck with the move x

      Liked by 1 person

  7. carissamaria

    I’m reading your blog with interest, you write beautifully and I think you’re a true artist…it takes so much passion, dedication, work and love to take care of a garden, to make a heavenly place out of it. I feel that you have all these qualities and I’m looking forward to read more and to learn more from your amazing blog!
    Thank you so much for following my blog, I’m honored and it means a lot to me!
    Best wishes and a Merry wonderful Christmas!

    Liked by 1 person


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